We all know that some foods can contain unhealthy ingredients, but according to this website there are specific ingredients that are extremely dangerous: Sodium nitrite, hydrogenated oils, and excitotoxins.
Sodium nitrite is used to make the red coloring in hot dogs, which if you feed to kids too much increases brain cancer by 300%. Hydrogenated oils are the fatty acids that can cause heat disease. Excitotoxins kill nerve cells through over excitement.
Other ingredients you probably didn't know:
Florida oranges are dipped in an orange dye to seem more appealing. This dye is banned from food use because of cancer risk.
Your favorite guacamole dip, it might not even have real avocado in it. Some are made with hydrogenated soybean oil and artificial colors.
These food companies trick us, their consumers, with these ingredients by using multiple words to confuse us.
Want to know more?
Information from: "Grocery Warning"
YUCK! I can't believe that fruits and vegetables (what most people assume to be a healthy choice) are being contaminated by these deadly chemicals...